

MAST, through its research group on “Preservation of cultural collections”, organizes a seminar to discuss aspects related to the cultural heritage of science and technology, having as a reference the framework of material culture. The event will feature experts from various institutions who will speak on specific topics, through round tables and conferences, also constituting a space for the presentation of works to be selected by the Scientific Committee of the event.

Preliminary event schedule

Tuesday, 5 October

10h Opening Session
Marcio Rangel (Director, MAST)
Marcus Granato (Coordinator of VSPCT, MAST)
Emanuela Sousa Ribeiro (UFPE Representative)
10h30 Conference
Theme: Material culture of science and university museums
Speaker: Luiz Manuel do Eirado do Amorim (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco) Mediator: Bruno Melo de Araújo (UFPE)
11h30 Discussion
12h Lunch
13h30 Paper presentation session (4GTs)
15h30 Coffee break and Poster presentation

Wednesday, 6 October

9h Mini-courses (3 in parallel)
12h30 Lunch
14h Paper presentation session (4GTs)
16h Coffee break
16h30 Paper presentation session (4GTs)

Thursday, 7 October

9h Mini-courses (3 in parallel)
12h30 Lunch
14h Paper presentation session (4GTs)
16h Coffee break
16h30 Paper presentation session (4GTs)

Friday, 8 October

9h Paper presentation session (4GTs)
12h30 Lunch
14h Conference
Theme: Science and technology museums in times of Covid: experiences from the National Museum of Natural History and Science
SpeakerMarta Lourenço (Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência, Universidade de Lisboa)
Mediator: Marcus Granato (MAST)
15h Discussion
16h Closing Session
16h30 Farewell coffee