Call for Papers

The goals of the V International Seminar are to encourage scholarly research on the preservation of scientific heritage, conservation and documentation of collections of instruments, as well as their use with in the wider disciplines related to scientific heritage studies and museology.

Papers submitted to the V International Seminar on Material Culture and Scientific Heritage should address is sues and challenges pertaining to research, interpretation, and promotion of scientific heritage understood in a wide spectrum, including scientific and technological knowledge produced by man, and all those objects (including paper documents), archaeological and ethnographic collections, and specimens of biological collections that are testimonies of scientific processes and technological development. VSPCT especially welcomes papers from post-graduate students (see fee discounts).

Submission Details

Papers maybe presented in two forms: oral contributions (15 minutes) or poster papers.

The criteria for approval in the two forms of submission are as follows:

- Works in theformof a poster – contributions on topics of interest to the event and which are under development, with preliminary study results;

- Papers in oral form – these are contributions on topics where research is at a more advanced stage and the results are more consistent, including case studies.

Based on this differentiation between the set of work groups to be presented, the selection criteria to be used by the evaluators are as follows:

- insertion of the work theme in the themes addressed by the V Seminar;

- development of the study on solid scientific bases;

- uniqueness of the work to be presented;

- correction, clarity and objectivity of the text;

- presentation of consistent results.

With the result of the evaluations, the event coordinator Will compose the sessions, organizing the works by topic of interest and may, in some cases, re-evaluate some work, in case of need for a final decision.

If you would like to submit a paper, please read the Call and send an abstract in English (max. 2000 words), as well as equipment required, to:

Receipts of submitted abstracts Will be sent by email. The final date for submitting abstracts is July 11th, 2022.

Download abstract template

Oral Presentations:

Language: English or Portuguese

Duration: 15 min

Poster papers:
Posters shouldbe A1 (594mm × 841mm), portrait format. Posters can be presented in English and Portuguese. The poster presentation session Will be on the afternoon of the first day. Posters can only be presented in person.