How to arrive at MAST

Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins
Rua General Bruce 586, São Cristóvão
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
CEP.: 20921-030

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By car

If you are in the north or in the south area of the city, take the Red Line and get off at Campo de Sao Cristovâo, where you should enter at the Esberard Street and turn right: Rua General Bruce. See the map above for more details.

By bus

Buses that pass through Campo de São Cristóvão

209 Estácio x Caju (São Cristóvão)
261 Praça XV x Marechal Hermes
SPA 261 Marechal Hermes x São Cristóvão (Especial)
296 Castelo x Irajá (Regular)
298 Castelo x Acari (Regular)
SPA 298 - Cavalcanti x Castelo (Viagem parcial)
SPB 298 Conjunto dos Palmares x Castelo (Viagem parcial)
SPC 298 Turiacu x Castelo (Viagem parcial)
310 Inhaúma x Praça XV (Regular)
311 Engenheiro Leal x Praça XV - Via Cavalcanti (Regular)
472 Triagem x Leme (Regular)
473 São Januário x Lido - Via Túnel Rebouças (Regular)
474 Jacaré x Jardim de Alah (Regular)
476 Méier x Leblon - Via Túnel Rebouças (Regular)
624 Praça da Bandeira x Mariópolis (Regular)
634 Saens Pena x Freguesia (Regular)

By subway

You should get off at São Cristóvão Station - Line 2 - and take the bus on Bartolomeu Avenue, that circulates only in the neighborhood.